Trickz Blog: Speed up your internet in just a single click

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Speed up your internet in just a single click

Sometimes our internet connection is slow... we all hate the slowness of internet.. so we want to increase the speed of internet.You can also use a good web browser to increase the speed.. I recommend Mozilla Firefox is the best.. In this post iam gonna show you how to increase your internet speed using Notepad.. Follow the steps to do that:

1.Open Notepad

2.Copy the following code and paste it to your notepad:

“GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize”=dword:0005ae4c the file as NetSpeed.reg or you can type any name you want  but the extension should be .reg .
4.if you run the file, then you got a message like this: "Do you want to add the following entry to the registry??"..
5.Press YES and you are all done.
6.Reboot your PC and feel the difference in Speed..  

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